My Archives Corner

My personal space for sharing pleasurable things in life

Page-a-day Calendar Quotes 2008

Honey catches more flies than vinegar. Kindness may take more time, but it will always be worth it. -Page-a-day calendar 2008

"Speak your mind even if your voice shakes. Well-aimed slingshots can topple giants." by Maggie Kuhn. We will never know what changes our words will bring, unless we speak them. -Page-a-day calendar 2008

One of the most exhausting things we can do is try to control the uncontrollable -Page-a-day calendar 2008

"Something has been discovered that does the work of five men - one mother" by Rhonda S. Hogan. And she is a mother while doing the work of five men -Page-a-day calendar 2008

Dignity is the ability to let down our hair and play with the best of them while still maintaining our self-hood. - Page-a-day calendar 2008

Futurized fears waste our time. What futurized fears are you harboring? - Page-a-day calendar 2008

When she raises her eyelids, it's as if she were taking off her clothes. - Page-a-day calendar 2008

Just for today, I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole life problems at once. -Page-a-day calendar 2008

When we do too much... we start to go through life crashing and banging. -Page-a-day calendar 2008

"Don't try to be such a perfect girl, darling. Do the best you can without too much anxiety or strain" by Jesse Barnard. It's often good to listen to what our mothers have to say to us. They have, after all, survived-that must be good for something. -Page-a-day calendar 2008

"I'm not offended by all the dumb blonde jokes because I know I'm not dumb... and I also know that I'm not blonde" by Dolly Parton -Page-a-day calendar 2008

"There are three ways to get something done: do it yourself, employ someone, or forbid your children to do it" by Monta Crane -Page-a-day calendar 2008